You can fill out this form to sign up for my waiting list. (I’m on maternity leave at the moment at least till the end of 2025).
As soon as I’m working again I’ll contact the persons (via E-Mail) on this list to get the first appoinments. 

Du kannst dich in diese Warteliste eintragen um nach meiner Baby-Pause (mindestens bis Ende 2025) einen der ersten Termine zu bekommen. Ich werde dann jeden per E-mail anschreiben. 


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    My name is maria (nickname: smasli). My journey as an artist let me to tattooing along with selling my art as prints. I live with my husband in salzburg, austria and work on the countryside. Nature and fauna are my inspiration, as well as every person I meet.

    You can find more of my work on Instagram:

    Waiting list

    I'm on maternity leave at the moment.
    The next appointments are earlist in 2025.
    You can sign up for my waiting list - you'll get an email as soon as I'm booking again.

    Click here to get to the waiting list.

    PS: I don't do scripts or little stars